Sunday, June 21, 2009

Small talk with you better be worth something

Is action any good without the right intention? If I help someone out of obligation and resent doing it, do I still get my karmic credit? I have realized that the only time I help people with stuff is when I can’t get out of it. I wish everyone was well settled so no one would ever need me.

Ironically, I find helping others terribly self-indulgent.

p.s. I should add that by help here I don't mean helping kids in wars or famine; I just mean doing daily favors for people who should have managed on their own in the first place. For kids in war or famine, I don't have the balls. Although I find those people self-indulgent too. But when even God wants people to go to temples and sing his praises everyday, how can we be any better?


  1. little acts of goodness helps a lot even withouht good intentions!
    check out my blog

  2. I sure hope so - that is the only good I do, almost always without good intentions.
    Thanks for stopping by.
